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A motor vehicle accident can happen to anyone, whether you are a passenger, driver or pedestrian.
The Road Accident Fund (RAF) has been created to compensate people who have become victims of a motor vehicle accident where it was not their fault.
With that said, the law regulates the time period within which a claim must be lodged, who the eligible claimant may be and to what extent a claim may be sought.
Our firm partners with specialists in all the relevant medical and legal fields to get your claim dealt within the most efficient time frame and with the maximum compensation for that specific claim.
Given the cost of medical and legal specialists, we understand that although you may have a solid claim, you would not be able to obtain the specialist reports needed to prove the severity and extent of your claim.
We are proud to provide a solution for that by taking on RAF claims that we are confident in winning and on a NO WIN, NO FEE basis.
That means, if we are unsuccessful with your case and don’t get any compensation for you, you will not be liable for any of our fees. Added to that, we will only bill you at the end of the matter and for a portion of your award.
You can therefore rest assured that there IS another way to fight for the maximum due to you, and do so, risk free.